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    1. Discord - www.ebrzone.com   (44 visits to this link)

      Click on the title to join our official discord server and get the latest informaitons about our community and it news. Join us now !


    2. GameTracker - WWW.EBRZONE.COM   (38 visits to this link)


    1. Administrative Area

      This category is the place for announcements and discussions about managing the forum. Here you will find information about the rules, updates and important changes. It is also the space to address technical issues.


    2. 16
    3. Servers management & Affiliation

      Here you'll find all necessary information about servers affiliation with EBRZONE Community, or maybe you want to open a fresh server with our help.


    1. CSO - ZOMBIE

      In this category are the official Counter Strike 1.6 servers of the EBRZONE COMMUNITY Join one of our servers and test your skill!b_560_95_1.png.a2fd876ff3853535809c2c1fc928643d.png




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    1. [EBR] Design Zone

      Design is an English word pronounced [in French: di-zain] and means a project or drawing (conceptual) or sketch (conceptual). The use of the term in the field of freehand drawing (art) is forced and therefore not recommended.


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